


Nail Your 2023 Message
3 Week Bootcamp


Payment plan available at £48 a month 

Join the Academy before Midnight on Friday 25th November to get lifetime access to the Academy and a seat in my 3 week bootcamp.

Uncover your  fearless 2023 message


3 Week Bootcamp

Payment plan available at £48 a month 

Join the Academy before Midnight on Friday 25th November to get lifetime access to the Academy and a seat in my 3 week bootcamp.

Uncover your  fearless 2023 message

For business owners who want to get more leads with out being a pushy arse.
If you are doing your own marketing, you can't avoid writing. Regardless of what platform or strategy you use, your words are fundamental to your success.

But it can feel like wading through mud.
How do you even know what to say, never mind say it in a way that will get you leads?

And how on earth do you find the time to figure it all out?

There are already a billion things on the to do list and without the resources to outsource completely,
there has to be an easier way.

There is.
The Mission Led Content Academy is an online course with lifetime access.

Step into the power of your business to change the world
Learn to master the power of words.
Get the confidence to share them.

Buy before November 25th and get access to a 3 week boot camp to nail your 2023 fearless message.

The Academy is more than just an online course

Online courses have a habit of gathering digital dust but in the Academy you won’t be doing it alone.

Academy members get exclusive access to weekly events.

Networking without the small talk. We build relationships, community and dig deep on juicy topics.  

We take an Academy lesson and do it together.  Ask me questions, sense check ideas and have accountability to do the work.

We write content TOGETHER.  Spend this time getting practical and creating content live. I will guide you based on an Academy lesson and be there to answer questions or give feedback.

Pick my brain. Ask me anything about the Academy content, your own content or receive live feedback on your content. We then open the floor to MLCers who want to ask more general business questions in a safe non judgmental space. The community is filled with decades of skills and experience to share.

why trust me?

When I started my business as a copywriter more than a decade ago I would spend all my time putting other people’s writing over my own content and it showed.

I was virtually invisible.


How could I attract more clients when I wasn’t brave enough to put myself out there?

A big part of the problem (although I didn’t realise it at the time) was that I hadn’t even done the basic work on my own message. Any client who paid me was considered an ideal client.

Beggars can’t be choosers right?

But this approach was getting me nowhere fast. At this point, I had had enough of being broke. Hiding was no longer an option.

Things changed when I started to treat myself like a client, connected to my mission and applied the same passion to my own content as I did for others.

Time to take my own bloody advice.

How could I attract more clients when I wasn’t brave enough to put myself out there?

A big part of the problem (although I didn’t realise it at the time) was that I hadn’t even done the basic work on my own message. Any client who paid me was considered an ideal client.

Beggars can’t be choosers right?

But this approach was getting me nowhere fast. At this point, I had had enough of being broke. Hiding was no longer an option.

Things changed when I started to treat myself like a client, connected to my mission and applied the same passion to my own content as I did for others.

Time to take my own bloody advice.

The more I implemented what I did for my clients on myself, the quicker I saw results. Who would have thought it, this shit works!

What made the magic even more significant was when I realised I could teach it!

That was a new turning point. I created and beta tested my first ever MLC course.

This was nearly 4 years ago and since then more than 200 people have joined my community. 

But this isn’t a rags-to-riches story because the journey never ends. 

I  am still learning and evolving as I figure out what it means to run and be a human in a society that values profit over people and planet.  It is now a big part of my mission to guide my clients through these big questions too.

So we can all contribute to positive change with actions and words of hope. 

As small business owners, we have the collective power to make the world a better place. To give more to the world than we take and create a hopeful future for our children.

Remember, buy before 25th November and also join the 3 week boot camp in December to nail your fearless 2023 message.

The world needs your mission now more than ever.

Be part of the solution.

BOLDER Message. BIGGER Impact. BETTER Leads.


Each week I will tell you exactly which Academy modules to do in what order. I will hold co-working sessions through out December so you can have accountability, space and access to me so you can ask me questions.

You will go into 2023 with a clear compelling message, a content plan and your first few posts ready to go – don’t waste the first week back with a Christmas hangover, let’s prepare for the revolution together.

You get a 48 hours money back guarantee. No questions asked.

You get lifetime access to the content

You will get access to the weekly events for 12 months.

Yes. You don’t have to wait for me or anyone else to take the next step. All the content is available the moment you sign up to go through at your pace..



Pay in Full
£ 603 One time payment
  • 3 week 2023 messaging boot camp
  • 18 hours co-working time in December
  • Lifetime Academy Access
  • Live Academy Lessons
  • Networking
  • Writing Workshops
  • Q&A


Payment Plan
£ 48 13 months installment
  • 3 week 2023 messaging boot camp
  • 18 hours co-working time in December
  • Lifetime Academy Access
  • Live Academy Lessons
  • Networking
  • Writing Workshops
  • Q&A


£ 555 or
12 months installment of £48
  • 12 months access to:
  • Q&A Session
  • Online network session
  • Monthly tutorial
  • Expert training

The Academy

One Time Payment
£ 603 One time payment
  • 3 week 2023 messaging boot camp
  • 18 hours co-working time in December
  • Lifetime Academy Access
  • Live Academy Lessons
  • Networking
  • Writing Workshops
  • Q&A

Boot Camp
The Academy

Payment Plan
£ 48 13 months installment
  • 3 week 2023 messaging boot camp
  • 18 hours co-working time in December
  • Lifetime Academy Access
  • Lifetime Academy Lessons
  • Networking
  • Writing Workshops
  • Q&A

No Boot Camp

Just The Academy

£ 555 or
12 months installment of £48
  • Lifetime Access to the Academy
  • Live Academy Lessons
  • Networking
  • Writing Workshops

*Read the terms and conditions HERE.